KCP has developed a diagnostic tool that will help you assess your organization’s progress towards digital transformation, compared to other companies on the same journey.

The benchmarking tool is independent of technology interests, confidential, rigorous and its results actionable. It is based on research into over 1000 digital transformation cases and provides a detailed analysis of how well you are doing relative to comparable organizations across seven key capabilities, which are critical to successful transformation outcomes.

The outputs from the diagnostic provide action points to help identify in detail where you need to improve and what your key next steps should be.

The premise that led KCP partners to develop the diagnostic is that for any organization to achieve an acceptable return on investment in digital transformation an exceptional range of skills and resources are needed. And knowing exactly what your strengths and weaknesses are in relation to certain key transformation capabilities is essential.

The KCP benchmarking diagnostic will tell you how advanced you are on the Digital Transformation path.

Digital Transformation (DT) focuses on the whole organization and large-scale change. It sees the transformation of business strategy, activities, processes, competencies and models to fully leverage the capabilities and opportunities of digital technologies and their impacts. A vital component of DT is Intelligent automation (IA) - the growing practice of combining RPA and cognitive automation technologies for business advantage.

Our research at Knowledge Capital Partners reveals that 65% of digital transformation programs fail, underperform or are abandoned. However, our long-term research into over 1000 cases by KCP and the London School of Economics clearly establishes the exponential payoffs from effective digital transformation and, crucially, the core enabling capabilities required.

The KCP diagnostic is available in two forms.


As an initial step, you can take your DT pulse now by clicking on the box below:

PULSE is a free, confidential, initial assessment with commentary available on your scores from Professor Leslie Willcocks, (Professor Emeritus at London School of Economics, and co-author of five books on automation and digital transformation)


If you want to follow up this initial assessment with a full in-depth expert analysis of your progress, priorities and opportunities for improvement, and how you compare (in your sector and against leading organizations) the KCP Digital Transformational Benchmarking Diagnostic is your next step.

This diagnostic includes analysis by an expert team led by Professor Leslie Willcocks covering seven core capabilities and twenty-eight leading indicators, derived from over 1000 cases of automation and digital transformation. To undertake this analysis, we require 3 executives within your organization to complete the diagnostic with us, each in a 1-hour consultation. Following these consultations, you will receive a confidential detailed analysis of your progress and a detailed opinion on the priorities for optimizing performance against your transformation goals. You will also be able to compare with other organizations in the sector and across sectors. You will receive a detailed report summarizing these findings.

If you would like to undertake this in-depth Digital Transformational Benchmarking Diagnostic then please
contact: mattstanton@knowledgecapitalpartners.com